Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hey where did the summer go?

The best of intentions sometimes have the worst of outcomes. The frequency of my blog posts has not improved!  lol

It is nearing the end of October and although Michigan is being blessed with some warm days the turning leaves are saying a different story.  Pumpkin Spice is everywhere and I just finished chairing the Bead Bonanza booth for SMGBG.  It must be fall!

My position as President for the ISGB is taking up some time and I am learning a great deal.  Just like any other large group being on the BOD is less artsy and more business but I am enjoying learning about the group and want to help it continue to grow and thrive.

The big Glass Act show 'Winter Wonders' is on November 4th and my beads will be there with my daughter Samantha running my table.  This is my favorite show of the year because it is about old friends and great art.  We have a steady stream of glass lovers at the show and in between the business we spend time with our friends.  It is a great time.

Lately my attempts at making great glass art had resulted in some less then beautiful pieces but I am determined to master some of the techniques I admire.  In September I took a class with Corina Tettinger  and I am inspired to work on some fundamentals. 

Hoping to sell a bit more next year as my daughter Allison is getting married and we have a wedding in August to pay for.  :)  These are happy times indeed.

Hope that if you stumbled upon this post that you are have a creative and happy fall!.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Hey what has Susan been up to?

It has been a very busy spring and the summer promises to be just as fabulous.

In March I attended the ISGB Gathering in Las Vegas.  It was a great week of glass and friends.  The presentations were awesome, the classes great, and the location worked well for the merging of Glasscraft and the Gathering.   I was a lucky duck and won a bunch of glass and tools from Mike Frantz in his Lucky Duck raffle.  I was the luckiest of ducks.  :)

In April I ran in the ISGB election for president?  I won the election in a landslide (unopposed :))  and became the president elect until I take office as president in September.  So much to learn about this great organizations operations but I am up to the challenge.  :)

I spent as much time as possible in May making beads for the Bead and Button Show.  My beads are off to the show in Milwaukee with the GlassAct guild.  Stop by our booth if you are attending the show.

Doing some traveling this summer but have intention of getting to the torch as much as possible.  I hope you do the same.

Yours in Glass,


Below is my lucky duck treasures.  Thanks Mike!

Monday, February 27, 2017

The groundhog was not kidding.....spring in coming soon.

Time really does fly,  I certainly thought that I would have written to this place sooner then now but given the state of all things in my life I guess I should just be thankful I am doing it now.

Life can change in a heartbeat, I have experienced that of late with people in my orbit. 

One of my favorite sayings is that "we can only count on the moments we pursue'.  

I am going to pursue this art and the people that do it.  I am striving to find my voice and in the process create great moments with people who love creating with glass.

 I will make time for this.  Hope you do too.